
It's been a long December

and there is reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last.

Is this an optimistic statement? I seem to say it every year.

I'm so sorry

When I talk to someone who has lost a loved one, it always seems so cliche to say "I'm so sorry". But since my grandma died, it's the only thing I want to hear.


underestimate a girl who wears pearls and drives a truck.


these are a few of my favorite things

about Christmas...

1. twinkle lights
2. cousin Lauren reading the nativity story on Christmas Eve (Luke's account)
3. My sister and I wearing matching pajamas on Christmas morning. (even now as adults)
4. Lenox holly china pattern
5. getting out in the Christmas shopping rush just to watch the hustle and bustle.
6. Living in the south and still secretly wishing for a white Christmas.
7. The poinsettia tree at Opryland Hotel
8. opening presents real slow one person at a time so it lasts all day.
9. Christmas brunch (grits, sausage pinwheels, chocolate milk-a once a year thing)
10. leaving the price tags on the presents so everyone would know what a good deal you got.
11. never having to lie about liking something because you where blessed with a mother who has excellent taste.
12. Making and enjoying fruitcake.
13. Christmas Carols-with exception of the "Little Drummer Boy". This is the only genre of music where I know almost all of the correct words. I am horrible at memorizing lyrics.
14. My mother asking me sincerely every Christmas if I believed in" Santi" Clause. And my most sincere reply, "yes, mother."
15. Taking the long way home from an errand with my dad to see the twinkle lights.


if I sent Christmas cards...

I have only really sent Christmas cards out to friends and family once in my life. It was the year after I graduated college and I thought it would be a nice, adult thing to do. I think there might be a reason I haven't done it since.

I get lovely cards from friends. they include pictures of kids and dogs. They even pose with their dog like it is actually a member of the family. The worst is when they write about their pet in the family news letter. And even worse still is when they write the dumb newsletter from the pet's point of view. Crazy people.

So, today I thought... If I where to spend what is it, 40 cents now? on each card I sent, what would I say? Here is what I came up with:

Merry Christmas.

oh i wish

i had a river I could skate away on.