
one day at a time adds up

25 years ago..
Is when my memory starts. I was 2. My first memory is standing on a table watching my grandmother give her retirement speech. I had been told not to talk so I didn't tell anyone that I had to use the restroom and I peed in my pants while I was standing on the table in her classroom. My second memory is Katy (my sister) being born. She came home from the hospital three months after she was born. I knew she had been sick. Before I was going to hold her for the first time, I insisted that I take off all of my clothes so she wouldn't throw up on them. That was the only sick i knew of at the time. I also remember one visit to the hospital before she came home. My dad snuck me in to see her, I wanted to make sure to count all of her toes and fingers because I was worried that she might not have them all.

20 years ago...
I was 7. I was in first grade. Mrs. Gallager was my teacher and we transformed our portable classroom into a haunted house. I was the witch that greeted everyone at the door. My dad borrowed a casket from his friend who was a funeral planner. He jumped up out of it and scared all of the kids.

15 years ago...
I was 12. This was the summer that I met my best friend Jennifer. We met at camp. She fell in the creek and I helped her sneak in the kitchen to get soap to clean her clothes. I curled my hair with heat curlers every morning. I also won the "best all around girl" award at school.

10 years ago...
I was 17. I drove a Suberu Justy and worked at Montessori Acadamy. I caught my car on fire when I plugged up the jumper cables incorrectly. I went to Honduras on a mission trip and gave free haircuts. My dad had a heart attack on the Riverwalk in San Antonio on Christmas Break.

5 years ago...
I was 22. I was supposed to have been in Italy studding abroad for a semester. Due to 9/11, my parents canceled my trip. I bought a black Saturn coupe with part of the money I had saved up for my trip. One of my good friends, Kristin, died that year too. That was the year that I became friends with Stephanie. I also pranked my friend Dan, for a whole semester without him finding out it was me. It was a pretty elaborate politically incorrect story line revolving around, Rebecca Smith.

1 year ago...
i was 26. I had my dental braces removed and the 1/8 inch gap between my two front teeth was closed. I joined the Junior League and my grandmother passed away.

1 month ago...
I went spelunking for the first time in my life.

1 week ago...
I went to Agusta Arkansas to see my friend, Heather get married.

I worked late.

I went to the gynocologyst. Yea! for women's health!

I have no idea what I will do.


made my day


maple seeds

outside the window
twirling round and round
a descending dancer falling to the ground

Where is her partner?
Is it the wind?
the same silent partner that makes rock bend?


American Girl


Welcome to the Rock

This is the t-shirt design I did for the youth group spring retreat. It ended up on a black t-shirt with metallic silver ink.


enjoy the view

Here is a picture from the terrace at best friend, Stephanie's new condo in Chicago! Isn't she the luckiest girl in the world? Not just because she has an amazing view, but an amazing friend to share it with.

*please note the previous night was a late one!


down and dirty

This weekend I am going repelling and caving. I've been looking forward to this trip for some time. I dusting off my hiking boots and digging out my best old t-shirts.

If I don't get dirty, I'm going to be very disapointed.


t-shirt anyone?

I googled my name just now and this showed up. I encourage everyone to buy one even though the used the worst font known to man and neon green looks horrible on everyone.


shhh...elly is sleeping

My nurse friend gave me some pills last night to help with my sleeping or better yet, not sleeping. She says they can help calm my racing mind that keeps me up half the night. I usually don't like to take a lot of medication, but I am still so excited!