
things I love

1. Long drives by myself
2. fall leaves
3. Dolly Parton Greatest Hits
4. Saving the Day
5. Best Friends
6. Dressing Up
7. Dressing other people up
8. Twirling
9. Being Twirled
10.Long drives with my Best Friend


the gap

Just want to give an update to those who don't see me on a day to day basis. I had my Ortho appointment today and it looks like I am running ahead of schedule. Which, I hear, rarely ever happens in the world of Orthodontic Dentistry. Within six weeks the gap will be closed. the small I keep thinking of all the cool things I am going to do when my braces come off! Here is a small list:

1. Eat corn on the cob and not get the little piece of skin between my two front teeth burnt.
2. Eat soup and not get the little piece of skin between my two front teeth burnt.
3.Bite into a huge apple like Snow White and not leave a jaggity tooth print.
4.Smile a lot.


Blinded by the light

So I'm at a stop light and I pull up to this nice car with a nice looking guy in it. In my mind I am making up this elaborate story about his life based on my perceptions of his material identity.

Jetta=nice but not flashy
apple computer window sticker= creative or creative poser
black rim glasses= creative or takes himself too seriously
hunter green barn jacket= his mother obviously bought it for him.

and the list could go on.

Just before the light turned green I looked over at the nice looking young man, he is talking on the phone with his left hand by this time and I am about to flash one of my signature smiles his way, when all of the sudden he takes the wheel with his right hand and i am blind. I am blinded by the light of a red ruby set in yellow gold. It's his class ring and I think to myself...

wearing your class ring at age 28=looser.


hole puncher

It's amazing what pleasure new office supplies give me. Today I got a new hole puncher. Ahhh, the ease and convieniance of this modern day tool.

Tonight I am staining my new in box that me and dad are working on. Did you know that no one makes 11x17 in boxes?

My motto is: if you can't buy it, make it, and if you make it, make it better.



I think that it is the most exciting and horrible parts of our lives that we don't have control over.