
Two Friends

I love my two best friends, Anna and Stephanie like:
Icing loves cake
cherry loves coke
nails love polish
shoes love socks
fish love water
dark loves light
tables love chairs.

I love the way we need each other to whitness the big and little things in our lives.
I love the way we come together when one needs the other.
I really hope I love these things about our friendship for the rest of our lives.


I am so sick of whining. I hear a lot of it from the cubicles outside my door. I really don't think there is any excuse for it. If you don't like something make a change.

Whining, it's not cute.



Spinach is probably the one thing that you wouldn't think that most people would miss if it were to cause death and was banned.

But I am not most people.

I can't wait until I can order my sandwich at subway with spinach instead of gross shredded ice burg. (no offence, Anna)

Maybe the Lord is teaching me patience.

All good things do come tho those who wait. I mean I can finally take lip gloss on a plane, right?


It's almost October

September is comming to a close and October is just a page turn away on my wall calendar.

Do you know what this means?

In one week the whole world will be dipped in pink and on sale so that you can be aware.


you will love this movie

You will love this movie.

I hear this all of the time. Most of the time I act on it and yeah, I enjoy them but most of the time it is a bust like just yesterday...

Fight Club.

Oh yeah elly, that is definitely a movie you would love.

Are you kidding me?

At first I really loved it. Nice color scheme, flashbacks, inner dialogue. All things I love in a movie. But there where parts where a shower, manicure and bleach are defiantly in order.

Fight Club. I couldn't even fight my way through it.


i'm trying this thing again. I feel as if American culture is passing me by. And so I am giving in.

Welcome me because I have a blog.