
Count the Crows

They are coming out with a new CD. I just found out about this about 6 minutes ago.

It's called Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings. I think I'm going to love it based on the title alone.


I'm going there to have some fun times... on a segway.



Sometimes working late causes... I don't know what.


I am in love with Public Television. Tonight I learned all about the human brain and how studying flies' brains can help us learn more about ourselves. Amazing design from The Creator.

Maybe next time they have a membership drive I'll think about joining again. Antique Roadshow, can't beat it.



one of my favorite Christmas presents. It's not sticky or gooey or holds things together. It's a magazine subscription that my dear friend anna gave me. I'm listening to some tunes that came with it. I think I get a free cd in each issue. Exciting huh? This month's favorites from the cd are:

Carousel-Sydney Wayser
When did your heart go missing?-Rooney
I'm standing in the light-Dr. Dog
Free at last-The Blind Boys of Alabama
To Beam- Hank Vegas
Go Easy-David McMillin (I think I had a chance to see him recently and passed it up...IDIOT!)
Gamblin' House-Malcolm Holcombe (interesting name, first and last names have silent letters. hum.)



It's beautiful.
Lenox in fact.
It sits in a box on my living room floor,
Right where I put it,
Right next to the door.

I can not open it.
not just yet.
It's what I've always wanted
but to have it already
would mean she's dead.

If I put it in the attic
am I pushing her away?
The china isn't the thing,
I'm afraid It's my feelings
I can't display.

the new year

In the past few years I haven't made resolutions, but themes for the year. Last year's theme was potential. It was a little much to discover and act on in one year but, I did meet small goals that I made to help me meet my unknown potential in various areas of my life. Working on them all at one time became a little overwhelming and my inner transcendentalist at times got the best of me. However, I think the meditation on the potential of who I can become and thinking about the bigger picture of my life and what that can look like was the biggest achievement of this year's experiment.

So this year, I've been going back and forth with a couple of things and I think the theme for this year will be consistency. It could be contributed to be a variety of things, finances, beliefs, health, or art. I haven't thought it all the way through of what this means, but that's what January and February are all about. I actually start my new year's goals on my birthday. (February 25)

So here's to a new year of building my potential through consistency.
