
one day at a time adds up

25 years ago..
Is when my memory starts. I was 2. My first memory is standing on a table watching my grandmother give her retirement speech. I had been told not to talk so I didn't tell anyone that I had to use the restroom and I peed in my pants while I was standing on the table in her classroom. My second memory is Katy (my sister) being born. She came home from the hospital three months after she was born. I knew she had been sick. Before I was going to hold her for the first time, I insisted that I take off all of my clothes so she wouldn't throw up on them. That was the only sick i knew of at the time. I also remember one visit to the hospital before she came home. My dad snuck me in to see her, I wanted to make sure to count all of her toes and fingers because I was worried that she might not have them all.

20 years ago...
I was 7. I was in first grade. Mrs. Gallager was my teacher and we transformed our portable classroom into a haunted house. I was the witch that greeted everyone at the door. My dad borrowed a casket from his friend who was a funeral planner. He jumped up out of it and scared all of the kids.

15 years ago...
I was 12. This was the summer that I met my best friend Jennifer. We met at camp. She fell in the creek and I helped her sneak in the kitchen to get soap to clean her clothes. I curled my hair with heat curlers every morning. I also won the "best all around girl" award at school.

10 years ago...
I was 17. I drove a Suberu Justy and worked at Montessori Acadamy. I caught my car on fire when I plugged up the jumper cables incorrectly. I went to Honduras on a mission trip and gave free haircuts. My dad had a heart attack on the Riverwalk in San Antonio on Christmas Break.

5 years ago...
I was 22. I was supposed to have been in Italy studding abroad for a semester. Due to 9/11, my parents canceled my trip. I bought a black Saturn coupe with part of the money I had saved up for my trip. One of my good friends, Kristin, died that year too. That was the year that I became friends with Stephanie. I also pranked my friend Dan, for a whole semester without him finding out it was me. It was a pretty elaborate politically incorrect story line revolving around, Rebecca Smith.

1 year ago...
i was 26. I had my dental braces removed and the 1/8 inch gap between my two front teeth was closed. I joined the Junior League and my grandmother passed away.

1 month ago...
I went spelunking for the first time in my life.

1 week ago...
I went to Agusta Arkansas to see my friend, Heather get married.

I worked late.

I went to the gynocologyst. Yea! for women's health!

I have no idea what I will do.


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