It's beautiful.
Lenox in fact.
It sits in a box on my living room floor,
Right where I put it,
Right next to the door.
I can not open it.
not just yet.
It's what I've always wanted
but to have it already
would mean she's dead.
If I put it in the attic
am I pushing her away?
The china isn't the thing,
I'm afraid It's my feelings
I can't display.
Lenox in fact.
It sits in a box on my living room floor,
Right where I put it,
Right next to the door.
I can not open it.
not just yet.
It's what I've always wanted
but to have it already
would mean she's dead.
If I put it in the attic
am I pushing her away?
The china isn't the thing,
I'm afraid It's my feelings
I can't display.
It's o.k. to take your time. I know you know that. It has been 2 years since my granddad died and there are times that I think about him and wonder why. It does get better as time goes on and easier to think about and remember them without it hurting so badly.
By the way, your writing is beautiful! I think I read through several pages of posts and was just amazed! You should gather your poetry and publish a collection.
Jacque Rimer
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