In the past few years I haven't made resolutions, but themes for the year. Last year's theme was potential. It was a little much to discover and act on in one year but, I did meet small goals that I made to help me meet my unknown potential in various areas of my life. Working on them all at one time became a little overwhelming and my inner transcendentalist at times got the best of me. However, I think the meditation on the potential of who I can become and thinking about the bigger picture of my life and what that can look like was the biggest achievement of this year's experiment.
So this year, I've been going back and forth with a couple of things and I think the theme for this year will be consistency. It could be contributed to be a variety of things, finances, beliefs, health, or art. I haven't thought it all the way through of what this means, but that's what January and February are all about. I actually start my new year's goals on my birthday. (February 25)
So here's to a new year of building my potential through consistency.
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