

I got called out at work for having a bad attitude.

I think I was projecting a little more that I should have. I know I can be a tiny bit dramatic. While I am bored, uninspired and goal-less, I really am trying to have a good attitude. [Insert smile and tilted head here.]

In trying to come up with an effective way to be positive, (I usually make up some sort of game) I remembered the oldest trick in the book. Believing the lies you tell yourself. I have spent years trying to overcome the lies I have told my self over and over. But maybe I can put another spin on this mind game.

When confronted with "So elly, how are you liking you job?" I can say, "I absolutely love it." [Photoshop in a sparkle on my teeth and a small "ding" sound]

Every morning I can wake and think: "I love my job and it loves me." [Picture word bubble above head and birds chirping outside my window]

When in the midst of turmoil in the workplace I can raise my head high and think..."I have the best job in America!" [Cue patriotic theme music]

So, that's the solution for now. Maybe my lies will evolve into truth. I'm pretty sure it has happened in history before. Something like... communism keeps coming to mind.


Blogger Al said...

If you don't mind, I think I might steal some of your solutions/positive thoughts.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are hilarious, your blog took me back to those 1950 and 60's commercials and cheesy programs where every thing was "hunky dorey". that would be nice huh?

2:38 PM  

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