
When will Men be Men?

Yesterday, I sent an email to a male manager. It was very direct and maybe a little stern. I just wanted to get my point across. I even read it to one of my male co workers to see if it was too over the top and he said it was not.

So I sent it.

Today, my male manager visits me in my office, closes the door and while choking back tears tells me that he deserves respect. I wanted to roll my eyes so bad. If he really wanted my respect, he would have just taken note of my email.

Tears were in his eyes!!!!! He couldn't talk or colect his thoughts because he was so upset!!!

Some people will say men will be men if ladies would be ladies. I think i conduct myself in a very lady like way. I can cook, I wear dresses and I know the proper way to get in and out of a car.

I am calling out to all men... roughen up you hands, get dirty, wear a flannel shirt and suck it up, buttercup!


Blogger Al said...

There are times when I am struck speechless. It is one of those times.

12:44 PM  
Blogger fabricsnob said...

one of my girl friends says "rub some dirt on it!' as her way of saying be a man. recently I learned men's hormones go through cycles like ours do. This could account for so much of the frustration I'm having lately.
I'm really surprised at dude's response to the email. wow.

4:11 PM  

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