

So, I'm really not a big resolutions person.

I do, at the turn of the calendar like to look back and reflect on the big lessons of the year. And how can I take the things I have learned into the new year with me and intergrate them into the next year.

My big lesson for 2006 is...

I can't do it by myself.

I have always been the little girl who said, "I can do it by myself I don't need your help." I'm really good at being independent. I'm really good at thinking I have to be perfect. While these are good things, used in a positive way, to have on board, I found my self sailing to a deserted island. I got scared, lonely and insecure.

To make a long story short, there where some sailors that noticed my boat had drifted. There where others that just welcomed me to their bon fire on the shore.

I may be still independent and from time to time I may want to go to lunch by myself, I know that there are people and a God that want to be and are my help, friend, counselor, and support. They remind me that I don't have to do it all by my self. They remind me that dancing on the beach is better with two, or three, or more.


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