
trivia night

Here is some elly trivia you might need in your back pocket sometime.

1. I am pretty picky about eating utensils. Eating should be a sensorial experience. I really only like to eat ice cream with small, long handled spoons and peanut butter should only be spread with a wide, round tipped knife. I like to eat with salad forks all of the time. (I of course follow the rules when necessary)

2. I was a vegetarian for 8 years. Then one day I wanted a roast beef sandwich.

3. My middle name is Barnett.

4. I don't like to wear fingernail polish. It makes me feel closterfobic. But I love red toe nail polish and occasionally a French pedicure. I love my feet. As a kid I thought I could be a foot model.

5. My first car was a Subaru Justy. It didn't have air or a radio. So I rolled down the windows and drove around town with a battery operated boom box in the passenger seat.

6. My favorite color is Alizarin Crimson.

7. My very first friend's name was Allison.

8. I have never had a pet.

9. One school year I only had one dress. I wore the same dress every Sunday Morning for a year.

10. Growing up, I was only allowed to have one pair of jeans at a time.

Ok, I think 10 is enough... I am really putting myself out there. :)


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