
lunch hour

August is usually very hot in Nashville. This week we have had the most delightful weather. School started today for most students and everyone is ready for fall to be right around the corner. Of course, everyone forgets that Indian Summer is actually approaching our screen doors and we will have hot weather again.

Knowing that tomato season is in full force, I headed to the Farmer's Market to create the best lunch I've had in a long time. I picked up the most perfectly ripe tomato and peach. I knew that the tomato would be an excellent addition to a piece of cornbread and slow cooked green beans that I was going to purchase from a small BBQ vendor. I bought a tall glass of sweet iced tea, gathered up my vittles and sat down at a small picnic table out side. With each bite of the juicy tomato slices, and each sip of the warm tea on cold ice, I wondered if life ever got better than this. I bit into the plump peach to the surprise of the tangy juice rolling down my chin, and decided that it just had.


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